Important dates
- Paper/Talk/Early-Poster submission deadline: March 10, 2017, Anywhere on Earth
- Decision notification: April 14, 2017
- Final manuscript deadline: April 28, 2017
- Late-Poster submission deadline: May 8, 2017
- Conference: June 14-16, 2017
Papers should be submitted by using EasyChair.
Note that you will need an EasyChair account in order to submit to TQC
Submission server is now closed.
Instructions for authors:
Please also have a look at the Call for Papers.
- Conference (Talk + proceedings) Track:
Submissions must not substantially duplicate work published elsewhere or submitted in parallel to a journal or any other conference/workshop that has proceedings. The length of the submission must be at most 15 pages excluding bibliography and appendices. The text must be in a single column format, use at least 11-point fonts, and have reasonable margins. The submission should begin with a title, a list of authors, and a short abstract. The introduction should summarize the contributions of the paper at a level appropriate for a non-specialist reader. Committee members are not required to read appendices; the paper should be intelligible without them. Submissions should preferably be in PDF format. - Workshop (Talk only) Track:
Authors may submit a paper published elsewhere or an original manuscript. A Workshop track submission must either follow the format guidelines for Conference track submissions, or if the submission has been accepted for publication elsewhere, the submission may consist in the manuscript in its accepted or published form. In all cases, information about previous publication or concurrent submission, if any, should be indicated on the first page of the submission.
We note that the same standards of quality will apply to Conference and Workshop papers. In particular, Workshop track submission are expected to follow the standards of papers submitted for publication in the Conference track (and should consist of more than a 3-page summary). - Poster Track:
Poster submissions must either consist in a short summary (2-3 pages) of the work, or follow the guidelines from either of the tracks above. Talk submissions that are not retained will automatically be considered for the poster session. Authors of poster submissions made before the Early-Poster submission deadline will be notified by the Decision notification date. A Late-Poster round allows for much later submissions (and notification) for posters only.
The size of the poster panel is 1185 mm x 1460 mm. We recommend to use A0 format (841 x 1189 mm | 33.1 x 46.8 inches).
Please note that authors of accepted papers in the Conference track will be required to submit their final camera-ready version using the 2016 LIPIcs class file, by the "final manuscript deadline". Final versions should be 12-15 pages in length, excluding bibliography and appendices. When appendices are present, they should not be overly long. The 2016 LIPIcs class file is available here: